Printable Vector Map of Valencia Spain detailed City Plan Metro Area scale 100 m 1:3626 full editable Adobe Illustrator Street Map in layers, scalable, text format all names, 14 MB ZIP
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Valencia – one of the most beautiful cities in Spain on the Mediterranean sea. It is the third most populous city after Madrid and Barcelona. There is a very mild climate, a lot of extraordinary beauty of beaches and historical monuments, which makes Valencia attractive for an unforgettable holiday.

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The history of Valencia goes back centuries. It should be noted that already in the bronze age the lands of modern Valencia were inhabited. Since then, more than one civilization has been based here.

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Valencia was founded in 138 BC by the great Roman Empire, which gave it the name of Valencia. The new colony began to develop rapidly in the cultural and commercial field, which was facilitated by the trade route “Via Sucronense” crossing it.

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After the Romans, the city was under the rule of the Visigoths, which adversely affected its development, or rather stopped it altogether.

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Valencia. However, the situation changed radically after the conquest of Valencia by Muslims in 718. This moment can rightly be considered a turning point in the history of the city, since it was with him that his rapid growth began. During the reign of the Caliphate of córdoba, the population of Valencia was about 15 thousand inhabitants. However, the economic and cultural flowering of the city was recorded in the XI century, when Valencia received the status of the capital of the Arab Kingdom. In 1093 Valencia was conquered by the national heroes of Spain – sid, however, his power did not last long, and nine years later the city was again headed by the Arabs.

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In 1238, the army of the Spanish king James I put an end to the rule of the Arabs, winning Valencia in fierce battles.

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The history of Valencia is truly rich in insignificant moments. The town, anciently famous for its fertile lands, a favorable climate, and favorable geographies. Torres de Karteikasten’s position often became a bone of contention between empires. Although the period of Muslim rule and has a long five centuries, to this day almost no traces of it. However, there are historical sources that show that in those days in a fertile valley was created almost perfect by today’s standards irrigation system. After the final expulsion of the Arabs from the Valencian lands, the city fell into decay, as it was the Arabs who made up a third of its population.

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Valencia came under the Aragonese crown and became the capital of the eponymous Kingdom of Valencia. From that moment the city began to develop rapidly, reaching its next heyday in the XVI century. At that time it was one of the most influential powers in the Mediterranean. It was at that time that the most beautiful buildings of the City Assembly, the stock exchange, the Palace and the Cathedral were erected, and the city itself was surrounded by powerful defensive walls.

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However, over time, the walls of Valencia were destroyed. In our days any of them resemble only remaining gate of the fortifications of the city – Torres de quart (Torres de Quart) (Xvv.). From the great medieval era in the city are well preserved narrow streets and urban development.

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The Cathedral (Catedral de Valencia), built in the XIII-XIV centuries is a symbol of Valencia. This building – one of the earliest Gothic Valencia. Oceanographic park Janovich buildings. It was the center of social life in medieval Valencia, where meetings were held, disputes were resolved, etc.

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In this amazing city, there are other places that can interest their guests. For example, created the Calatrava city of Art and Science (La Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias), which today is considered one of the symbols of Valencia. Here guests of the city will be invited to visit the planetary cinema, or Hemisphere (El Hemisfèric), the Palace of Arts (El Palau de Les Arts Reina Sofía) and the Museum of Science (Museo de las Ciencias Principe Felipe). However, Valencia is more popular. The bell towers El Myelotoxicity Park (El Oceanográfico), which allows you to take a fascinating journey into the depths of the oceans and seas of the planet.

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Visiting the Museum of Colegio del Patriarca (Museo del Patriarca), built in the XVI century., you can see the work of the great masters of painting, such as Surban, Murillo, El Greco, and others.

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Belltower El Miguelete (El Miguelete) allows you to climb the narrow spiral staircase to the upper platform, to see the panorama of the city.

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Holidays and culture
The most striking holiday in Valencia, which attracts many tourists, is the day of the patron. Every year he hosts a variety of fairs, shows, and representations.

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Valencia. The most spectacular holiday, of course, is the Fallas, which is a “festival of fire”, the appearance of which is rooted in the dark ages of paganism. According to tradition, on this day, in the spring, people burned all the unnecessary things accumulated over the winter. Of them constructed dolls, the image of which was given a symbolic meaning. Today they are built of papier-mache, and the height of some of them sometimes reaches a height of the 5-6-story building. This festival begins on March 15 in night lights or Pali and then start the various costumed rituals and processions. This festival ends with a solemn presentation of flowers to the Cathedral of the virgin patroness of the Homeless. On this day you can see the amazing work of florists who create masterpieces of bouquets of flowers from all over Valencia. That is why Valencia is also called the “city of flowers”.

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In General, Valencia is like a fairy-tale city, where you can wander for hours, enjoying its unusual and mysterious atmosphere.

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The cuisine of Valencia is as diverse as its history, it includes dishes of fish, vegetables, fruits, and game. This kitchen contains an abundance of traditional rice dishes, which are prepared both dry and in broths and sauces. The most famous dish of Valencia and all of Spain is Paella (Paella)

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These amazing dishes can be enjoyed in almost any of the many restaurants in Valencia, which are located in the historic center of the city.

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Valencia Spain Map Vector Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe Illustrator in layers

Valencia Spain Map Vector Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe Illustrator in layers

Valencia Spain Map Vector Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe Illustrator in layers

Valencia Spain Map Vector Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe Illustrator in layers

Valencia Spain Map Vector Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe Illustrator in layers