Printable Vector Map of Venice Venezia Italy detailed City Plan Metro Area scale 100 m 1:3297 full editable Adobe Illustrator Street Map in layers, scalable, text format all names, 32 MB ZIP
All street names, Main Objects, Buildings. Map for design, printing, arts, projects, presentations, for architects, designers, and builders, business, logistics.
Layers: color_fills, water, streets_roads, labels_roads, names_objects, names_streets, names_places, arrows_streets, buildings, legend, etc.
The most exact and detailed map of the city in scale.
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Mappa vettoriale stampabile di Venezia Italia dettagliata Mappa della città Metro Area scala 100 m 1: 3297 Mappa Adobe Illustrator modificabile a strati, scalabile, formato testo tutti i nomi, 32 MB ZIP
Tutti i nomi di strade, oggetti principali, edifici. Mappa per design, stampa, arte, progetti, presentazioni, per architetti, designer e costruttori, affari, logistica.
Strati: riempimenti di colore, acqua, strade di strade, etichette di strade, nomi di oggetti, nomi di strade, nomi di luoghi, frecce di strade, edifici, leggende, ecc.
La mappa più esatta e dettagliata della città in scala.
Per la modifica e la stampa di alta qualità

Venice Venezia Italy Map Vector Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe Illustrator in layers
Venice is a city in the North-East of Italy, the capital of the province of Veneto. Venice is built on 118 small Islands scattered between the Adriatic sea and the mainland. The city can hardly be called a huge metropolis, as it is home to only about 270 thousand people. Despite this, it has always been and remains a cultural and educational center, the venue of the largest festivals of music, film, and art.

Venice Venezia Italy Map Vector Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe Illustrator in layers
City of canals and bridges
The history of the city of Venice has more than one and a half thousand years. It all began with a small village, founded by the inhabitants of the region on the desert marshy Islands, who escaped from the invasion of the Goths. According to archaeological excavations, this event occurred in the 421 ads. Gradually the village grew and soon turned into a real city.

Venice Venezia Italy Map Vector Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe Illustrator in layers
From the 9th to the 16th century Venice was a major commercial port, where ships stopped on the way from the East to Western Europe and back. Year after year, new settlers arrived to explore the neighboring Islands. In the middle ages, the city became a Republic with its ruler – the Doge. The state prospered both financially and culturally: new buildings, palaces, libraries, chapels and, of course, bridges were built. The latter today in Venice has more than 400 pieces, and the most famous of them are the Bridge of Sighs, Straw bridge, and Rialto Bridge.

Venice Venezia Italy Map Vector Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe Illustrator in layers
Rialto bridge, which is also called the Golden bridge Or the bridge of money Changers
The Napoleonic wars put an end to the independence and prosperity of the Republic, as a result of which it came under the control of Italy. Today Venice has regained its former greatness and is a popular center of international tourism, the venue for art and architectural exhibitions. Although to enjoy the wonders of architecture, it is not necessary to wait for any cultural event – there are plenty of monuments in the open air, and the buildings themselves, built in the middle ages, are able to impress with their beauty and grandeur.

Venice Venezia Italy Map Vector Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe Illustrator in layers
Tip: in Venice, there are no trams, buses and, especially, the subway. The main public transport is all kinds of boats. Being the first time in the city, be sure to go on a journey through the canals on the famous Venetian gondola boat. It is controlled by a gondolier with a single paddle, which makes it possible to swim even the narrowest channel. The art of management, as well as the gondola, are considered to be the pride of the family and inherited.

Venice Venezia Italy Map Vector Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe Illustrator in layers
Venice is a city of romance and love
Many people call Venice the most romantic city on Earth, and this is true. The emotional atmosphere here is amazing, charming, fascinating… The streets are quiet and quiet, broken only by the cries of lonely gulls, the rustle of the waves, the bells of the Cathedral of San Marco and the melodious singing of gondoliers.

Venice Venezia Italy Map Vector Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe Illustrator in layers
Locals start their morning with a Cup of fragrant espresso. Its smell is in the air almost around the clock, as every meal in any restaurant or cafe traditionally ends with a portion of an invigorating drink. Join the contemplation of the sunrise over the numerous canals and bridges in any corner of the city. Problems with finding a suitable coffee shop here never arises. However, there is one special cafe in Venice, which is considered to be its symbol and is the world famous-a cafe “Florian”. It began operation in 1720 and in its nearly three-century history has hosted such famous people as Carlo Goldini, Lord Byron, Joseph of Brodsky, Hemingway.

Venice Venezia Italy Map Vector Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe Illustrator in layers
Any visitor will find entertainment in the city, whether he is an avid Shopaholic, a religious pilgrim or an art lover. To see the famous masterpieces of the most different cultural epochs, it is enough to go on a tour of the famous museums – naval, Archaeological, the Museum of Peggy Guggenheim, etc. to become better acquainted with the unique architectural style of Venice on the Piazza San Marco is an amazing complex of buildings, including the Clock tower, the Doge’s Palace and the Cathedral of San Marco. At the edge of the square, there are two columns symbolizing the gate to Venice. On top of one is a statue of St. Theodore, and on the other-a winged lion. It is considered a heraldic symbol of the city and is depicted on many booklets, postcards, envelopes.

Venice Venezia Italy Map Vector Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe Illustrator in layers
The largest number of tourists come to the city at the end of winter, when there is a traditional Venetian Carnival. Its history began in the XVIII century, and the event was timed to the day of the winter solstice. An integral attribute of the holiday was considered elegant costumes and masks, the meaning of which was to hide the obvious social differences between the participants.

Venice Venezia Italy Map Vector Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe Illustrator in layers
The best place for shopping in Venice is considered to be the same area as San Marco. There are exclusive shops where you can buy quality Italian shoes and bags, as well as clothes from famous brands. However, the best souvenir from Venice is considered Murano glass products – various vases, dishes, mirrors and jewelry made by hand.

Venice Venezia Italy Map Vector Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe Illustrator in layers

Venice Venezia Italy Map Vector Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe Illustrator in layers

Venice Venezia Italy Map Vector Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe Illustrator in layers

Venice Venezia Italy Map Vector Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe Illustrator in layers

Venice Venezia Italy Map Vector Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe Illustrator in layers

Venice Venezia Italy Map Vector Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe Illustrator in layers

Venice Venezia Italy Map Vector Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe Illustrator in layers

Venice Venezia Italy Map Vector Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe Illustrator in layers

Venice Venezia Italy Map Vector Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe Illustrator in layers

Venice Venezia Italy Map Vector Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe Illustrator in layers

Venice Venezia Italy Map Vector Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe Illustrator in layers

Venice Venezia Italy Map Vector Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe Illustrator in layers

Venice Venezia Italy Map Vector Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe Illustrator in layers

Venice Venezia Italy Map Vector Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe Illustrator in layers

Venice Venezia Italy Map Vector Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe Illustrator in layers

Venice Venezia Italy Map Vector Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe Illustrator in layers

Venice Venezia Italy Map Vector Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe Illustrator in layers

Venice Venezia Italy Map Vector Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe Illustrator in layers