Indianapolis Printable Map, Indiana, US printable vector street City Plan map, full editable, Adobe illustrator, V3.10, full vector, scalable, editable, text format street names, 18 Mb ZIP
All streets, some more buildings. Map for design, print, arts, projects, presentations,
for architects, designers and builders.
PDF, DXF, DWG, CDR and other formats – on request, same price, please, contact.
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
This vector map of Indianapolis city is used as a basis for design, editing, and further printing.
This is the most detailed, exact map of Indianapolis city for high-quality printing and polygraphy. You can always clarify the map development date by contacting us.
For your convenience, all objects on Indianapolis vector city map are divided into layers. And the editing is very easy – colors, lines, etc.
You can easily add any objects needed (e.g. shops, salons, sale points, gas station or attraction) on any layer of Indianapolis vector map.
One of the advantages of Indianapolis city vector maps of our production is the relevance of cartographic data, we constantly update all our products.
Indianapolis often shortened to Indy, is the capital and most populous city of the U.S. state of Indiana and the seat of Marion County. As of 2017, Indianapolis is the third most populous city in the American Midwest and 16th most populous in the U.S., with an estimated population of 863,002.

This vector map of Indianapolis city is used by:
designers, layout designers, printers, advertisers and architects. Our product – vector maps – is designed for further editing and printing in large formats – from @Wall format (a few meters) to A-0 and A-1, A-2, A-3.
The Indianapolis city map in vector format is used for design, urban planning, presentations and media visualizations.
The advertising and presentation map of Indianapolis city (usually the final designer marks the routes, and puts the client’s objects (shops, saloons, gas stations etc.)
The undoubted advantage is that people will NEVER throw out this advertising product – the map. In fact, as an advertising medium, a city map is the most “long-playing” of the well-known polygraphic advertising media, with the longest lifespan, and the maximum number of interactions with the customer.
The Indianapolis metropolitan area is the 34th most populous metropolitan statistical area in the U.S., with 2,028,614 residents. Its combined statistical area ranks 27th, with a population of 2,411,086. Indianapolis covers 368 square miles (950 km2), making it the 16th largest city by land area in the U.S.
For travelers, maps are sold at the airports and gas stations around the world. Often the source is our vector maps.
Take a look, who purchases our vector maps of Indianapolis city in “Our Clients and Friends” page – these are large and small companies, from super-brands like Volvo and Starbucks, to small design studios and printing houses.
Indigenous peoples inhabited the area dating to approximately 2000 BC. In 1818, the Delaware relinquished title to their tribal lands in the Treaty of St. Mary’s. In 1821, Indianapolis was founded as a planned city for the new seat of Indiana’s state government.
It’s very easy to work with vector maps of Indianapolis city, even for a not very experienced designer who can turn on and off the map layers, add new objects, change the colors of fill and lines according to customer requirements.
The undoubted advantage of Indianapolis city vector maps in printing is an excellent and detailed visualization, when customer can expand a large paper map and instantly define his location, find a landmark, an object or address on map, unlike using the popular electronic formats of Google and Yandex maps for example.
The city was platted by Alexander Ralston and Elias Pym Fordham on a 1 square mile (2.6 km2) grid adjacent to the White River. Completion of the National and Michigan roads and arrival of rail (1847) later solidified the city’s position as a manufacturing and transportation hub. Two of the city’s nicknames originate from its historical ties to transportation—the “Crossroads of America” and “Railroad City”.
Printable vector maps of Indianapolis city are much more convenient and efficient than any electronic maps on your smartphone, because ALL DETAILS are displayed in the entire space of Indianapolis city map.
Useful tips on working with vector maps of cities and countries in Adobe Illustrator.
«V» – launches the Selection tool (cursor, black arrow), which makes active any vector line.
«А» – launches the Direct Selection tool (white cursor), allows you to select curve elements and drag them to the desired place.
«R» – activates the Rotate tool, which helps you rotating selected objects around the center point by 360 degrees.
«E» – gives you the opportunity to use the Eraser tool and erase unnecessary parts.
«X» – switches between Fill and Stroke in the Tools section. Try to get used to this hot key and
you will quickly understand that you can’t live and work without it.
Indianapolis anchors the 27th largest economic region in the U.S., based primarily on the sectors of finance and insurance, manufacturing, professional and business services, education and health care, government, and wholesale trade. Indianapolis has developed niche markets in amateur sports and auto racing. The city is perhaps best known for annually hosting the world’s largest single-day sporting event, the Indianapolis 500. Indianapolis has hosted international multi-sport events such as the 1987 Pan American Games and 2001 World Police and Fire Games.
Guides are not limited to vertical and horizontal in Adobe Illustrator. You can also create a diagonal guide for example. Moreover, you can turn any contours into guides. Select the outline and go to View > Guides > Make Guides (Create Guides), or simply press Cmd/Ctrl + 5. You can also turn the guides back into an editable object. Go to menu, View > Guides > Unlock Guides (Release Guides), select the guide you want to edit and select View > Guides > Release Guides (Reset Guides), or just press Cmd/Ctrl + Option / Alt + 5).
You will probably want to change the color scheme used on our Indianapolis vector city map.
To quickly and effectively play with colors.
Of course, you can do it manually, all objects in our Indianapolis city vector map are divided according to types and layers, and you can easily change the color gamma of vector objects in groups and layers.
Indianapolis is home to two major sports clubs, the Indiana Pacers of the National Basketball Association and the Indianapolis Colts of the National Football League. The city’s philanthropic community has helped develop its cultural institutions and collections, including the world’s largest children’s museum, one of the nation’s largest privately funded zoos, historic buildings and sites, and public art.
But there is more effective way of working with the whole VECTOR MAP of Indianapolis city and all layers:
The overview dialog «Edit colors»/«Repaint Graphic Object» (this dialog box name can change depending on the context):
If you have selected a part or a layer of Indianapolis city vector map and open the dialog box by clicking the icon in the Control panel, on the Samples palette or the Color Catalog, or if you choose Edit > Edit Colors> Repaint Graphic Object, then the «Repaint Graphic Object» dialog box appears, and you get access to «Assign» and «Edit» tabs.
Indianapolis is home to a significant collection of monuments dedicated to veterans and war casualties, the most in the U.S. outside of Washington, D.C. Since the 1970 city-county consolidation, known as Unigov, local government administration operates under the direction of an elected 25-member city-county council headed by the mayor. Indianapolis is considered a “high sufficiency” world city.
If a picture or a map fragment is not selected, and you open the dialog box by clicking the icon in the Control panel, on the Samples palette or in the Color Catalog, the «Edit Colors» dialog box appears and you can only access the «Edit» tab.
Regardless of the name at the top of the dialog box, the right-hand side always displays the color group of the current document, as well as two default color groups: Print Color and Grayscale. These color groups can be selected and used any time.
Indianapolis is located in the East North Central region of the Midwestern United States, in central Indiana. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the Indianapolis (balance) encompasses a total area of 368.2 square miles (954 km2), of which 361.5 square miles (936 km2) is land and 6.7 square miles (17 km2) is water. The consolidated city boundaries are coterminous with Marion County, with the exception of the autonomous municipalities of Beech Grove, Lawrence, Southport, and Speedway. Indianapolis is the 16th largest city by land area in the U.S.
Create and edit color groups of Indianapolis city vector map, and also assign colors using the «Edit Colors»/ а «Repaint Graphic Object» dialog box.
A. Creating and editing of a color group on the «Edit» tab
B. Assigning colors on the «Assign» tab
C. Select a group of colors from the «Color groups» list
The option «Repaint a graphic object» in the lower part of the dialog box allows you to preview the colors on a selected layer of Vector map, or a group of elements, and specify whether its colors will be redefined when the dialog box is closed.
Indianapolis is situated within the Tipton Till Plain, a flat to gently sloping terrain underlain by glacial deposits known as till. The lowest point in the city is about 650 feet (198 m) above mean sea level, with the highest natural elevation at about 900 feet (274 m) above sea level. Few hills or short ridges, known as kames, rise about 100 feet (30 m) to 130 feet (40 m) above the surrounding terrain. The city lies just north of the Indiana Uplands, a region characterized by rolling hills and high limestone content. The city is also situated within the EPA’s Eastern Corn Belt Plains ecoregion, an area of the U.S. known for its fertile agricultural land.
The main areas of the dialog box are:
The «Edit» tab is designed to create a new or edit the existing color groups.
The harmony rules Menu and the Color Wheel are used to conduct experiments with color harmonies. The color wheel shows how colors are related in color harmony, and the color bars allow you to view and manipulate an individual color values. In addition, you can adjust the brightness, add and remove colors, save color groups and view colors on the selected Vector Map of Indianapolis city or a separated layers.
Topographic relief slopes gently toward the White River and its two primary tributaries, Fall and Eagle creeks. In total, there are about 35 streams in the city, including Indian Creek and Pogue’s Run. Major bodies of water include Indian Lake, Geist Reservoir, and Eagle Creek Reservoir.
Color groups
Is a list of all saved color groups for current document (the same groups appear in the «Samples» palette). You can edit and delete the existing color groups, as well as creating a new ones using the list of “Color Groups” in the dialog box. All changes appear in the «Samples» palette.
The highlighted color group shows, which color group is currently edited.
Any color group can be selected and edited, or used to redefine the colors in the selected vector map of Indianapolis city, its fragments or elements.
The post–World War II economic expansion and subsequent suburbanization had a profound impact on the physical development of the city’s neighborhoods. From 1950 to 1970, 97,000 housing units were built in Marion County.
Saving a color group adds this group to the specified list.
Opening the «Edit Colors»/«Repaint Graphic Object» dialog box.
Open the «Edit Colors»/«Repaint Graphic Object» dialog box using one of the following methods:
«Edit»> «Edit Colors»> «Repaint Graphic object» or «Repaint With Style».
Use these commands if you need to edit the colors in the selected vector map of Indianapolis city.
«Repaint Graphic object» button on the «Control» panel.
Use this button if you need to adjust colors of Indianapolis city vector map using the а «Repaint graphic object» dialog box.
Most of this new construction occurred outside Center Township, expediting out-migration from the city’s urban neighborhoods to suburban areas, such as Castleton, Eagledale, and Nora. Between 1950 and 1990, over 155,000 residents left Center Township, resulting in urban blight and disinvestment. Since the 2000s, Downtown Indianapolis and surrounding neighborhoods have seen increased reinvestment attributed to nationwide demographic trends, driven by empty nesters and millennials. By 2020, Downtown is projected to have 30,000 residential units, compared to 18,300 in 2010.
The specified button is available if the selected vector map or its fragment contains two or more colors.
Note. This color editing method is convenient for global color adjustment in a vector map, if global colors were not used when creating a City Map of Indianapolis.
The «Edit colors» button or «Edit or apply colors» on the «Color Catalog» palette
Click this button if you need to edit colors on the «Color Catalog» palette or edit and then apply them to the selected Vector Map of Indianapolis city or its fragment.
Renewed interest in urban living has been met with some dispute regarding gentrification and affordable housing. According to a Center for Community Progress report, neighborhoods like Cottage Home and Fall Creek Place have experienced measurable gentrification since 2000. The North Meridian Street Historic District is among the most affluent urban neighborhoods in the U.S., with a mean household income of $102,599 in 2017.
The «Edit color group» button or «Edit or apply color group» on the «Samples» palette.
Click this button if you need to edit the colors in the specific color group or edit and apply them to the selected Vector Map of Indianapolis city or a group of its elements, for example, the whole layer “Streets and lines”. You can also double-click the color group in the Samples panel to open the dialog box.
If the map file is too large and your computer freezes or even can’t open it quickly:
1. Try to reduce the color resolution of the video card (display) to 256 colors while working with a large map.
2. Using Windows Task Manager, select all the application you don’t need, while working with map, just turn them off.
3. Launch Adobe Illustrator. (DO NOT OPEN the vector map file)
4. Start the Windows Task Manager using administrator rights > Find the “Illustrator” process > set the «real time» priority,
5. Open the file. When you see the LEGACY FONT popup window – click “OK” (do not update). You can restore the TEXT later.
6. Can also be useful: When file is opened – Edit > Settings > Basic Settings > disable smoothing. /// It looks scary, but works quickly)))
We recommend saving the file in Adobe Illustrator 10 version. It’s much more stable when working with VERY BIG size files.
Free vector maps:

Free download Vector Map US Interstate roads, Adobe PDF, V.2 Free_Map_US_Interstates_Roads_2.pdf
Free download Vector Map US Interstate roads, Adobe Illustrator, V.2

Free Download Vector Map US County and State Adobe Illustrator
Free Download Vector Map US County and State Adobe PDF

Free Vector Map US Census Data Top US Ancestries by County Adobe Illustrator
Free Vector Map US Census Data Top US Ancestries by County Adobe PDF
Small guide: How to work with the vector map?
You can: Mass select objects by type and color – for example, the objects type “building” (they are usually dark gray) – and remove them from the map, if you do not need them in your print or design project. You can also easily change the thickness of lines (streets), just bulk selection the road by the line color.
The streets are separated by type, for example, type “residential road” are usually white with a gray stroke. Highway usually orange with a brown or dark gray stroke.
It is easy to change the font of inscriptions, all or each individually. Also, just can be make and any other manipulation of objects on the vector map in Adobe illustrator format.
Important: All the proportions on the map are true, that is, the relative sizes of the objects are true, because Map is based on an accurate GPS projection, and It transated into the (usual for all) the Mercator projection.
You can easily change the color, stroke and fill of any object on the map, zoom without loss of quality Image Verification.
Select object

Bulk selection the same objects on the vector map

See the bulk selected objects on the vector map

Bulk delete buildungs from the vector map

Select residencial road (small street) on the vector map

Bulk selection the same lines (streets, roads) on the full map

Create fat lines of the streets on the vector maps (bulk action) 1

Create fat lines of the streets on the vector maps (bulk action) 2

Create fat lines of the streets on the vector maps (bulk action) 3

You can easily change the color, stroke and fill of any object on the map, zoom without loss of quality Image Verification.
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Indianapolis, officially the City of Indianapolis and Marion County, is the capital and largest city of the U.S. state of Indiana and the seat of Marion County. It is in the East North Central region of the Midwestern United States. With an estimated population of 853,173 in 2015, Indianapolis is the second most populous city in the Midwest, after Chicago, and 14th largest in the U.S. The city is the economic and cultural center of the Indianapolis metropolitan area, home to 2 million people, the 34th most populous metropolitan statistical area in the U.S. Its combined statistical area ranks 26th, with 2.4 million inhabitants. Indianapolis covers 372 square miles (963.5 km²), making it the 16th largest city by land area in the U.S.
Founded in 1821 as a planned city for the new seat of the government of Indiana, Indianapolis was platted by Alexander Ralston and Elias Pym Fordham on a 1-square-mile (2.6 km2) grid adjacent to the White River. The city grew beyond the Mile Square, as completion of the National Road and advent of the railroad solidified the city’s position as a manufacturing and transportation hub. Indianapolis is within a single-day drive of 70 percent of the nation’s population, lending to its nickname as the “Crossroads of America.” Anchoring the 26th largest economic region in the U.S., the city’s economy is based primarily on business services, transportation and logistics, education, financial services, hospitality and tourism, and distribution services. Indianapolis has developed niche markets in amateur sports and auto racing. The city is perhaps best known for annually hosting the world’s largest single-day sporting event, the Indianapolis 500.
The city’s philanthropic community, led by the Lilly Endowment, has been instrumental in the development of its cultural institutions, including The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis, Indianapolis Zoo, and Indiana Landmarks. The city is notable as headquarters for the American Legion and home to a significant collection of monuments dedicated to veterans and war dead, the most in the U.S. outside of Washington, D.C. Since the 1970 city-county consolidation, known as Unigov, local government administration has operated under the direction of an elected 25-member city-county council, headed by the mayor. Indianapolis is considered a “high sufficiency” global city.
Geography of Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Indianapolis is located in the East North Central region of the Midwestern United States, in central Indiana. According to the United States Census Bureau, the Indianapolis (balance) encompasses a total area of 368.2 square miles (954 km2), of which 361.5 square miles (936 km2) is land and 6.7 square miles (17 km2) is water. The consolidated city boundaries are coterminous with Marion County, with the exception of the autonomous municipalities of Beech Grove, Lawrence, Southport, and Speedway. Indianapolis is the 16th largest city by land area in the United States.
Topography of Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
View of Indianapolis from Crown Hill Cemetery, elevation 842 feet (257 m).
Indianapolis is situated within the Tipton Till Plain, a flat to gently sloping terrain underlain by glacial deposits known as till. The lowest point in the city is about 650 feet (198 m) above mean sea level, with the highest natural elevation at about 900 feet (274 m) above sea level. Few hills or short ridges, known as kames, rise about 100 feet (30 m) to 130 feet (40 m) above the surrounding terrain. The city lies just north of the Indiana Uplands, a region characterized by rolling hills and high limestone content. The city is also situated within the EPA’s Eastern Corn Belt Plains ecoregion, an area of the United States known for its fertile agricultural land.
Topographic relief slopes gently toward the White River and its two primary tributaries, Fall and Eagle creeks. In total, there are about 35 streams in the city, including Indian Creek and Pogue’s Run. Major bodies of water include Indian Lake, Geist Reservoir, and Eagle Creek Reservoir.