History: We’ve been drawing maps since the 17th century

Our family draws maps from the XVII century
This is a family, hereditary profession – drawing maps. Since the 17th century, someone in the family has always been engaged in cartography.
Johann Georg Schreiber (*1676 – 1745)
Johann Georg Schreiber, a German cartographer and geographer, was born 1676 and lived in Leipzig. His only work was the “Atlas Selectus” published first 1740 and reissued 1749. He died in 1745.

US: SciReg C Corp
4 Park Center Court, Suite 200A, Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA
RD: Solcity World Investment & Development, S.R.L.,
Calle Restauracion #261 off. 2-a, sector San Anton, Zona Colonial, Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana
RD: Solcity Navegacion Dominicana, S.R.L.,
Avenida Winston Churchill, #1550, Plaza New Orleans, local 202, Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana
http://dominicana.cc  https://vectormap.net http://scireg.org


rare maps from SCHREIBER, Johann Georg

rare maps from SCHREIBER, Johann Georg
