Troy New York USA City Vector Map: PDF and Adobe Illustrator

Troy, New York, is a city located on the eastern bank of the Hudson River, known for its rich industrial history, well-preserved architecture, and vibrant neighborhoods.

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Below is a detailed description of the key districts, communities, and main streets of Troy:

Districts and Communities

1. Downtown Troy

  • Overview: The heart of the city, downtown Troy is a mix of historic charm and modern redevelopment. Known for its well-preserved 19th-century architecture, downtown has become a center for culture, arts, and commerce.
  • Key Features:
    • Central Business District: Features a mix of retail shops, restaurants, cafes, and office spaces. Many buildings date back to the 19th century, particularly along River Street and Broadway.
    • Cultural Hub: Home to various art galleries, theaters, and cultural venues, such as the Troy Savings Bank Music Hall.
    • Farmers’ Market: The popular Troy Waterfront Farmers’ Market, held on weekends, is a key community event that attracts visitors from across the region.
    • Historic Architecture: Buildings like the Troy Public Library (Troy’s former post office), the Cannon Building, and other Victorian-era structures contribute to the area’s distinct historic feel.

2. The Hill District

  • Overview: Known for its elegant mansions and grand townhouses, this residential area reflects Troy’s prosperous past when wealthy industrialists lived here.
  • Key Features:
    • Architectural Diversity: The district features a range of 19th-century architectural styles, including Greek Revival, Italianate, and Gothic Revival. Many of these buildings have been preserved and restored.
    • Washington Park: A private park, this green space is surrounded by stately homes and is one of the few private residential parks in the U.S.
    • Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI): Located on the northern edge of the district, RPI is a prestigious technological university that adds an academic flavor to the area.

3. Lansingburgh

  • Overview: Situated in the northern part of Troy, Lansingburgh is one of the oldest parts of the city, originally settled as a separate village in the late 18th century before becoming part of Troy.
  • Key Features:
    • Historic District: Contains numerous 18th- and 19th-century buildings, including homes built in the Federal and Greek Revival styles.
    • Riverside Location: Lansingburgh runs along the Hudson River, providing scenic views and opportunities for riverside recreation.
    • Residential Character: While primarily residential, Lansingburgh has small businesses and community services that serve local residents.

4. South Troy

  • Overview: This area is historically known as the city’s industrial district, with factories, mills, and warehouses that drove much of Troy’s economy in the 19th century. While some parts have undergone revitalization, remnants of the city’s industrial heritage remain.
  • Key Features:
    • Industrial Past: Many of Troy’s factories, which were involved in industries such as iron works, shirt manufacturing, and textiles, were located here.
    • Revitalization: Some former industrial sites have been converted into residential lofts or creative spaces, though there are still underdeveloped areas awaiting redevelopment.
    • Burden Iron Works Museum: A museum dedicated to preserving Troy’s industrial heritage, it’s housed in a former ironworks facility.

5. North Central

  • Overview: A historically working-class neighborhood, North Central is known for its close-knit community and a blend of residential and industrial areas.
  • Key Features:
    • Residential Character: Contains row houses and apartment buildings, many of which housed workers from the city’s factories.
    • Proximity to Downtown: Located just north of downtown, North Central is an important transitional area between downtown Troy and the more residential northern neighborhoods.

6. Eastside Neighborhood

  • Overview: Located to the east of downtown and along the Poestenkill Creek, Eastside is a largely residential area with a variety of housing styles.
  • Key Features:
    • Residential Area: Features a mix of single-family homes, multi-family units, and newer residential developments.
    • Historic Homes: Some historic homes still exist here, especially along the streets closest to downtown.
    • Poestenkill Gorge: A natural feature that runs through this neighborhood, offering scenic beauty and outdoor recreation opportunities.

Main Streets and Prominent Areas

1. River Street

  • Overview: One of Troy’s most iconic streets, River Street runs parallel to the Hudson River and is lined with historic buildings, cafes, shops, and restaurants. It is a central artery for downtown Troy.
  • Key Features:
    • Historic Architecture: Features some of the best-preserved 19th-century commercial architecture in the country, including brick and brownstone storefronts.
    • Boutiques and Eateries: Home to an eclectic mix of small businesses, including vintage shops, cafes, art galleries, and dining establishments.
    • Troy Waterfront Farmers’ Market: Held here every Saturday, it draws visitors from across the region and adds a vibrant feel to the area.

2. Broadway

  • Overview: Another major downtown street, Broadway runs through the heart of Troy’s commercial district and intersects with River Street. It is home to some of the city’s most important cultural institutions.
  • Key Features:
    • Troy Savings Bank Music Hall: An iconic building and performance venue known for its excellent acoustics.
    • Commercial Corridor: Broadway is lined with shops, office buildings, restaurants, and cafes that cater to residents, visitors, and students from nearby RPI.

3. Fourth Street

  • Overview: Running parallel to River Street, Fourth Street is another key downtown thoroughfare.
  • Key Features:
    • Public Institutions: Includes government buildings, including the Rensselaer County Courthouse, as well as other public institutions.
    • Shops and Cafes: Features various local businesses and dining options.

4. Congress Street

  • Overview: Congress Street is a major east-west street that runs through downtown Troy and connects to other parts of the city.
  • Key Features:
    • Residential and Commercial Areas: Congress Street contains both commercial areas downtown and residential areas as you move eastward.
    • Proximity to RPI: Congress Street serves as a vital connector for RPI students, faculty, and staff, linking the university to the rest of the city.

5. Ferry Street

  • Overview: A historic street in downtown Troy that once served as a transportation hub when ferries were a primary means of crossing the Hudson River.
  • Key Features:
    • Historic Character: The street is lined with old warehouses, loft spaces, and industrial buildings that reflect its past as a key commercial area.
    • Mixed-Use Developments: Today, many of these old industrial buildings have been repurposed into modern residential lofts, office spaces, and creative studios.


Troy is a city that blends its rich industrial past with vibrant modern communities. Districts like Downtown Troy and Lansingburgh showcase historic architecture and riverfront beauty, while South Troy and North Central reflect the city’s working-class roots and ongoing revitalization efforts. Main streets like River Street, Broadway, and Congress Street are hubs for culture, commerce, and dining, drawing both residents and visitors to experience the city’s unique character. As Troy continues to develop, its districts and communities retain the historic charm that makes the city a unique part of New York’s Capital Region.

Author: Kirill Shrayber, Ph.D.

I have been working with vector cartography for over 25 years, including GPS, GIS, Adobe Illustrator and other professional cartographic software.

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