The coordinates for Dundee, UK, as well as some general information. Vectormap.Net provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date vector maps in Adobe Illustrator, PDF and other formats, designed for editing and printing. Please read the vector map descriptions carefully.
- Latitude: 56.4620° N
- Longitude: 2.9707° W
Total Area: Dundee covers an area of approximately 60 square kilometers.
Main Streets and Roads: Some of the main streets and roads in Dundee include:
- High Street: A historic street in the city center with shops, restaurants, and cultural attractions.
- Nethergate: Another important street in the city center, known for its shops, bars, and cafes.
- Perth Road: A major road running through the west end of Dundee, featuring shops, restaurants, and residential areas.
- Kingsway: A significant dual-carriageway road that forms a semi-circular ring road around the city.
- Riverside Drive: Running along the banks of the River Tay, Riverside Drive provides scenic views and connects various parts of the city.
For the most up-to-date and detailed information, it is recommended to check with local sources or use online mapping services. Keep in mind that developments and street names can change over time.