Linggo Sari Baganti Indonesia Map

Linggo Sari Baganti, Pesisir Selatan, West Sumatra, Indonesia is a province located on the western coast of the island of Sumatra, Indonesia.  Vectormap.Net provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date vector maps in Adobe Illustrator, PDF and other formats, designed for editing and printing. Please read the vector map descriptions carefully.  Here is a detailed overview of West Sumatra:

  1. Capital:
    • The capital city of West Sumatra is Padang.
  2. Geography:
    • West Sumatra is known for its diverse geography, including coastal areas, mountainous regions, and fertile plains. The province is characterized by scenic landscapes, including picturesque lakes and rivers.
  3. Culture and Tradition:
    • The province is rich in Minangkabau culture, which is known for its unique matrilineal social structure and traditional architecture. Traditional ceremonies, arts, music, and dance are integral parts of the local culture.
  4. Language:
    • The predominant language spoken in West Sumatra is Minangkabau. Bahasa Indonesia, the national language, is also widely used.
  5. Economy:
    • The economy of West Sumatra is diverse, with agriculture, fisheries, and trade playing significant roles. The region is known for its production of rice, palm oil, rubber, and other agricultural products.
  6. Tourism:
    • West Sumatra has a considerable tourism sector. Tourists are attracted to its natural beauty, cultural heritage, and historical sites. Padang, the capital, is known for its culinary delights, particularly the famous Minangkabau cuisine.
  7. Natural Attractions:
    • Mountains: The province is home to several mountains, including Mount Marapi, an active volcano.
    • Lakes: Lake Maninjau and Lake Singkarak are two notable lakes that contribute to the scenic beauty of the region.
    • Beaches: The coastal areas, including those in Pesisir Selatan, offer beautiful beaches attracting both domestic and international tourists.
  8. Historical Sites:
    • West Sumatra has historical sites and landmarks that reflect its rich past, including traditional Minangkabau villages and ancient temples.
  9. Transportation:
    • Transportation infrastructure includes roads and possibly airports connecting West Sumatra to other regions. Padang has an international airport, Minangkabau International Airport.
  10. Local Cuisine:
    • West Sumatra is renowned for its distinctive cuisine, including rendang (a spicy beef dish), nasi padang (a variety of dishes served with rice), and various traditional snacks.
  11. Religion:
    • The majority of the population in West Sumatra practices Islam.
  12. Education and Healthcare:
    • The province has educational institutions and healthcare facilities to serve the needs of its residents.

It’s important to note that developments may have occurred since my last update, and for the most current information, it is recommended to consult recent sources, such as local government websites or tourism boards.

Author: Kirill Shrayber, Ph.D.

I have been working with vector cartography for over 25 years, including GPS, GIS, Adobe Illustrator and other professional cartographic software.

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