Illustrator Map Kostroma Russia

Principal streets and roads in Kostroma, Russia,  a general idea based on common features of Russian cities. We provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date vector maps in Adobe Illustrator, PDF and other formats, designed for editing and printing. Please read the vector map descriptions carefully.

Kostroma is a historic city located along the Volga River in the Kostroma Oblast of Russia. Typically, Russian cities have a layout that includes a central area with historical landmarks, government buildings, and commercial centers. Here are some common elements you might find in the principal streets and roads of Kostroma:

  1. Susaninskaya Square (Сусанинская площадь): This square is often a central point in Russian cities and may feature historical monuments, fountains, or other notable structures.
  2. Ulitsa Sovetskaya (Улица Советская): This street is likely to be one of the main thoroughfares in the city, possibly hosting shops, restaurants, and businesses.
  3. Krasnaya ulitsa (Красная улица): Translated as “Red Street,” this is a common name for central streets in Russian cities and may host various attractions.
  4. Lenina Square (Площадь Ленина): Many Russian cities have a Lenin Square with a statue or monument dedicated to Vladimir Lenin, a key figure in the Russian Revolution.
  5. Volga Embankment (Набережная Волги): If Kostroma is situated along the Volga River, you may find a scenic embankment with walking paths, parks, and views of the river.

For the most accurate and up-to-date information about the principal streets and roads in Kostroma, I recommend checking with local sources such as maps, travel guides, or contacting the local municipality or tourism office. Keep in mind that urban landscapes can change, and new developments may have occurred since my last update.

Author: Kirill Shrayber, Ph.D.

I have been working with vector cartography for over 25 years, including GPS, GIS, Adobe Illustrator and other professional cartographic software.

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