Illustrator Map Humboldt Eureka California US

A general overview of the principal streets and roads in Humboldt and Eureka, California.  We provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date vector maps in Adobe Illustrator, PDF and other formats, designed for editing and printing. Please read the vector map descriptions carefully. Additionally, road names and conditions can change, so consider using a GPS or navigation app for precise directions.

Eureka, California:

  1. Highway 101: This major north-south highway runs through Eureka and serves as a primary route for traveling through the city. It connects Eureka with other cities along the West Coast.
  2. Highway 255 (Samoa Boulevard): This is a local route that connects Eureka to the peninsula of Samoa. It runs along the bay and provides access to the Samoa Cookhouse, Humboldt Bay Maritime Museum, and other points of interest.
  3. Broadway Street: Broadway is a major east-west thoroughfare in Eureka, lined with shops, restaurants, and businesses. It intersects with Highway 101.
  4. H Street: H Street is another important street in Eureka, running north-south and intersecting with Broadway. It features historic architecture and is part of the Old Town district.
  5. Fourth Street: This street is also part of Old Town Eureka and runs parallel to Broadway, offering additional shopping and dining options.

Humboldt County:

  1. Avenue of the Giants: Located south of Eureka, this scenic highway (Highway 101) takes you through the breathtaking redwood groves of Humboldt Redwoods State Park. It’s a popular route for those wanting to experience the beauty of the giant redwoods.
  2. Redwood Highway (Highway 101): Running through Humboldt County, the Redwood Highway is a continuation of Highway 101, offering access to various communities and attractions.
  3. Mattole Road: This road leads to the remote and picturesque Lost Coast region. It’s known for its rugged beauty and is popular among hikers and outdoor enthusiasts.
  4. Trinity Street (Arcata): Arcata is a city in Humboldt County, and Trinity Street is one of its main streets. Arcata is known for its artsy and eco-friendly atmosphere, and the plaza area is a focal point of the city.

Remember to check local maps and resources for the most current information, and consider using navigation tools for real-time guidance.

Author: Kirill Shrayber, Ph.D.

I have been working with vector cartography for over 25 years, including GPS, GIS, Adobe Illustrator and other professional cartographic software.

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