Alabama State US City Vector Map


Location of Alabama State
Capital: Montgomery
Population: 4,887,871
Major Cities: Birmingham, Montgomery, Mobile, Huntsville, Tuscaloosa
Borders: Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Tennessee, Gulf of Mexico
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $183,547 million (2012 U.S. Department of Commerce)

Key Industries:
Agriculture (poultry, peanuts, cotton, grains, soybeans, peaches)
Iron and Steel production, paper, lumber, coal mining
Automobile manufacture

How Alabama got its name: The name Alabama comes from a Native American
tribe that lived in the middle of the state. They named the local river
the Alabama River and the state took its name from the river.

Alabama State Symbols
State Nickname: Heart of Dixie
State Slogan: Share The Wonder; Stars Fell on Alabama (on its license plate); (formerly) The Heart of Dixie
State Motto: Audemus jura nostra defendere (We dare defend our rights)
State flower: Camellia
State bird: Yellowhammer aka Northern Flicker
State fish: Largemouth bass (fresh water), Fighting tarpon (salt water)
State tree: Southern Longleaf Pine
State mammal: Racking horse
State foods: Pecan, Blackberry

Becoming a State
Date admitted: Tuesday, December 14, 1819
Number admitted: 22

Prior Name: Alabama Territory
Postal Abbreviation: AL

The Geography of Alabama
Total Size: 50,744 sq. miles (source: 2003 Census)
Geographical Low Point: Gulf of Mexico at Sea Level (source: U.S. Geological Survey)
Geographical High Point: Cheaha Mtn. at 2,407 feet, located in the county/subdivision of Cleburne (source: U.S. Geological Survey)
Central Point: Located in Chilton County approx. 12 miles southwest of Clanton (source: U.S. Geological Survey)
Counties: 67 (source: National Association of Counties)
Bodies of Water: Gulf of Mexico, Tennessee River, Alabama River, Chattahoochee River, Coosa River, Weiss Lake, Martin Lake, Lewis Smith Lake, Walter F. George Lake

Famous People
Hank Aaron – Baseball player
George Washington Carver – Scientist
Jefferson Davis – President of the Confederacy
Nat ‘King’ Cole – Singer and musician
Helen Keller – Deaf and blind political activist and author
Harper Lee – Author who wrote To Kill a Mockingbird
Carl Lewis – Gold medal track and field athlete
Willie Mays – Baseball player
Jesse Owens – Gold medal track and field athlete
Rosa Parks – Civil rights activist
Condoleezza Rice – Secretary of State
Booker T. Washington – Educator

Fun Facts
Huntsville, Al is the home to Space Camp and the world’s biggest Space museum.
Montgomery, Al was the capital of the Confederate States.
George Washington Carver lived in Alabama when he came up with peanut butter.
The Wright brothers started the first flight school in Alabama.
Fort Payne makes over 70 million pairs of socks a year. It’s called the sock capital of the world.
The first electric trolley was introduced in Montgomery in 1886.
Baseball players Hank Aaron and Willie Mays were both born in Alabama.
The world’s largest cast iron statue, called The Vulcan, is in Birmingham. It is 56 feet tall!
The football game between the University of Alabama plays Auburn University is one of the biggest
rivalries in all of sports. The game is named the Iron Bowl.


Author: Kirill Shrayber, Ph.D.

I have been working with vector cartography for over 25 years, including GPS, GIS, Adobe Illustrator and other professional cartographic software.

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